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孙小光,男,博士,太阳城娱乐门户主页 讲师。2018年于法国斯特拉斯堡大学数学科学与信息工程太阳城娱乐门户主页 获博士学位。主要从事人因与工效学、设计理论与方法、知识管理等方面的研究工作,在相关领域发表学术论文10余篇。近年来主持国家自然科学基金1项,入选2019江苏省双创博士人才计划、2019扬州市绿扬金凤优秀博士人才计划。指导学生参加数学建模、中国高校机器人创意大赛等学科排行榜单竞赛获奖40余项。
2023年3月至今,太阳城娱乐门户主页 ,讲师
2018年9月-2023年2月,扬州大学机械工程太阳城娱乐门户主页 ,讲师
人因与工效学(Human factors & ergonomics)、设计理论与方法(Design theory & method)、知识管理(Knowledge management)
[1]. Slim, R*., Houssin, R., Coulibaly, A., & Sun, X. (2022). Analysis of industrial expectations for the integration of human factors from the early design phase. Scientia Iranica. In Press. doi: 10.24200/sci.2022.56606.4807.
[2]. Chen, J., Yan, M., Zhu, F., Xu, J., Li, H., & Sun, X*. (2022). Fatigue Driving Detection Method Based on Combination of BP Neural Network and Time Cumulative Effect. Sensors, 22(13), 4717.
[3]. Tang, F., Nowamooz, H., Wang, D*., Luo, J., Wang, W., & Sun, X. (2021). Heat Exchange Capacity Prediction of Borehole Heat Exchanger (BHE) From Infrastructure Based on Machine Learning (ML) Methods. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(11), 22409-22420.
[4]. Sun, X.*, Houssin, R., Renaud, J., & Gardoni, M. (2019). A review of methodologies for integrating human factors and ergonomics in engineering design. International Journal of Production Research, 57(15-16), 4961-4976.
[5]. Sun, X.*, Houssin, R., Renaud, J., & Gardoni, M. (2018). Towards a human factors and ergonomics integration framework in the early product design phase: Function-Task-Behaviour. International Journal of Production Research, 56(14), 4941-4953.
[6]. Sun, X., Houssin, R*., Renaud, J., & Gardoni, M. (2016). Integrating user information into design process to solve contradictions in product usage. Procedia CIRP, 39, 166-172.
[1]. Lu, J., Li, Y., Xu, J., Wang, F. P., & Sun, X. G. End-to-end algorithm for absolute phase retrieval. In 12th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (Vol. 12057, pp. 1016-1021). SPIE. Beijing, China, 2021,7,23-26.
[2]. Lu, J., Kong, X. G., Xu, J., Sun, X. G., & Wang, F. P. (2021). Novel four-step phase shifting algorithm based on the products of sines and cosines. In 16th National Conference on Laser Technology and Optoelectronics (Vol. 11907, pp. 445-455). SPIE. Shanghai, China, 2021,6,3-6.
[3]. Lu, J., Li, Y., Kong, X. G., Sun, H. B., & Sun, X. G. Geometric analysis and new discoveries for phase-shifting algorithms based on the orthogonal resolution and resultant of forces. In 4th Optics Young Scientist Summit (OYSS 2020) (Vol. 11781, pp. 20-32). SPIE. Ningbo, China, 2020,12,4-7.
[4]. Sun X, Houssin R, Renaud J, et al. Innovative interaction design approach based on TRIZ separation principles and inventive principles. The 17th International TRIZ Future Conference, Lappeenranta, Finland, 2017,10,4-6.
[5]. Sun X, Houssin R, Renaud J, et al. Une méthodologie pour intégrer les informations d’utilisation dès la première phase de conception. 15ème Colloque National AIP-Primeca, La Plagne, France, 2017,4,12-14.
[6]. Sun X, Houssin R, Renaud J, et al. Generating a user manual in the early design phase to guide the design activities. The 8th International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing (JCM 2016), Catania, Italy, 2016,9,14-16.
[7]. Sun X, Houssin R, Renaud J, et al. Human factors and ergonomics in Man-Machine systems. 21e journées STP du GDR MACS, Nantes, France, 2015,11,26-27.
[8]. Sun X, Houssin R, Renaud J, et al. Product usage in engineering design. The 12th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, Doha, Qatar, 2015,10,19-21.
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